Augustehof - - - - - Inge und Klaus Kuhn - - - - - Rotenkamp



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Heredity of Colors at Warmblood Horses

How colours on horses do pass on to the offsprings?
A horse has 64 chromosomes, on which, as like as it is in human beings, genes are located. They all exist twice, one by the father and one by the mother. The inheritance is dominant-recessive, so I write in the following sentences capitals for the dominant features and for recessive features I will use small letters. (Geneticists speak about alleles)

The horses colour is the result of the interaction of 7 of that genes. In the following text, I will include only three of them, because the other 4 genes are responsible for the paint drawing or for the development of palominos. For our basic colours Gray, bay, chestnut and black it is enough to look at the following three genes:

1. Gene G (gray):
It is responsible for the gray colour (or better, if there exist pigments in the hair at all) and will be passed dominant on to the offsprings over all the other colours. A gray horse mostly has the genes Gg (heterocygous = mixed heredity) and so it transmits the G to a percentage of 50% (i.e. 50% of its offsprings are gray). The offsprings of a homocygous gray horse (GG) will become all gray (very seldom, f.e.Godehard). To get a gray horse, one of the parents must be gray, what means, that each gray horse must have one gray parent at least.

2. Gene E:
This gene E determines, if a black pigmentation of the hairs exists at all. If it exists, the horse either is bay or black (for both it is necessary Ee or EE). Does not exist any black pigmentation, the horse will be chestnut (ee).

3. Gene A (agouti=wildcoloured):
This gene must be seen in connection with gene E. Is the horse ee (what means, it is a chestnut) then the A does not play any role. Is there indeed Ee or EE, then gene A determins, wether the horse is bay or black. At least one big A (Aa or AA) effectuates a bay colour in the different graduations (bay-blackbrown). aa effectuates the black colour.

   a  a    --->   wild colour factor   --->
 A _    --->   wild colour factor    --->
 E _    --->   Black factor          --->
 E E    --->   Black factor         --->
 e e     --->   Black factor absent  --->
 G g     --->   Grey factor          --->
 G G    --->   Grey factor          --->
 black, if
 bay, if
 bay, if
 bay, homocygous, if
 gray, heterocygous
 gray, homocygous
 E _
 E _
 A _
 A _
 AA or Aa or aa

So have........      chestnuts               A a e e
 or          A A e e
 or           a a  e e
- throws all colours
- throws no black 
- throws with black no bay 
                                 black               a a E e

              a a E E 
- throws also chestnuts, throws with black no bay
- homocygous dark, throws with black only black
                                 bay               A a E e
 or      A A E e
 or      A a E E
 or      A A E E            
- throws all colours
- throws no black 
- throws no chestnuts
- throws no chestnuts and no black
                                 gray              _ _ _ _ G g
             _ _ _ _ G G
- heterocygous gray, throws 50 % gray
- homocygous gray, throws 100% gray

nach Dr. Nebe in "Der Hannoveraner", um 1990



Die Farbformeln unserer Zuchtstuten bzw. der Väter unserer Pferde

  PHorse has the formula you can conclude ....  
   SPS Auguste
 heterocyg. bay

          A a E e   
 or  A A E e   

 A must be, otherwise she would be black
 e must be, because she throws chestnuts
 Question: Is she able to throw black, then Aa?
   SPS Fabienne
 homocygous bay

          A a E E   

 A must be, otherwise she would be black; a must be, because she threw black;
 E must be, because she is bay, 2. E is here because of gene test, so she is
 homocygous bay, throws no chestnuts, also when crossed with chestnuts.

 SPS Watt Nuh

A a e e   
or a a e e    

 a must be, because she threw black  
   SPS Shari
 homocygous black 

a a E E    

homocygous dark, because Sherlock Holmes has EE and Fabienne has E E,
additional gene test,
 throws allways black when crossed with black, throws no chestnuts
   SPS Floria tosca
                 A a e e  
                 or  a a e e  
 ee must be, because all chestnuts have this part of formula
 a must be, because she threw black
   SPS Radunja
 heterocygous black

a a E e    

aa must be, because all black have this part of formula, e must be,
because her dam is chestnut, E must be , otherwise she would be chestnut,
throws with black 75 % black and 25 % chestnuts
   SPS Ananova

A a e e   
oder a a e e    

a must be, because she threw black  

 SPS Donnanova

a a E e   

 aa must be, because all black have this part of formula, e must be,
because her dam is chestnut, E must be , otherwise she would be chestnut,
throws with black 75 % black and 25 % chestnuts
   SPS Richenza

a a E E      
  oder  a a E e       

E must be, because she is black,
if shewould have the second E, she is homocygous black

a a E e   

 e must be, because he throws chestnuts  

A a E e   

 a and e must be, because he throws black and chestnuts  
   Sherl. Holmes

A a E E  

 a must be, because he throws black; A must be, otherwise he would be black;
 EE must be, because he throws no chestnuts.
   Augustinus xx

A a E e    

  a and e must be, because he throws black and chestnuts  

A A E E  

 throws no chestnuts, throws no black
 delivers only bay, with gray self.evident also gray
   Graf Grannus
 homocygous black

a a E E   

homocygous dark,
throws with black allways black, throws no chestnuts
   Likoto xx
 blbr, homocyg. bay
A a E E    a must be, because he throws black; A must be, otherwise he would be black;
 EE must be, because he throws no chestnuts.
A a e e  
a a e e  
 a must be, because he throws black;
 ee must be, because all chestnuts have this part of formula
a a E e      e must be, because he throws chestnut and because one parent is chestnut  
A a e e  
a a e e   
 a must be, because he throws black;
 ee must be, because all chestnuts have this part of formula
A a e e  
a a e e   
  a must be, because he throws black;
 ee must be, because all chestnuts have this part of formula
 blbr, homocyg. bay
A a E E     a must be, because he throws black; A must be, otherwise he would be black;
 EE must be, because he throws no chestnuts.
   Sir Donnerhall
 heterocyg. bay
          A a E e     A must be, otherwise he would be black
a and e must be, because he throws black and chestnuts


 Forward     Damline